Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well yesterday Tyler woke up burning up with fever at around 6:30 am. So around 8 we took him to the ER.... he saw Dr. Crump.. we get there and everyone is wearing masks...Ugh! Swine flu is raging... so we get to the back and Tyler had a fever so they gave him motrin.. Then they said they were going to do a Strep Test and a Swine Flu Test! So they came in and made him gag by doing the strep test..and they pulled out this long swab and stuck it down his little nose for the swine flue test...i felt so bad fo my little boy! Well Thank GOD they both came back negative!! And the dr said he had a sinus infection and ear infection...gave him antibiotics (augminten) and sent us home... well i gave him his meds twice and he threw up and broke out in a rash! So this morning we got up and called and made an appointment with Dr.Nagel, and we get there and the dr said that apparently Tyler has become allergic to Penicillian and put him on Zithromax for 5 days! so thats what we are doing...taking meds!! but he seems to be doing better!! :)

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